Monday, February 2, 2009

Woohoo coffee is mah friend!

Dear readers,

I love coffee, especially from Gooseberries. Zach did make it up to me for missing our coffee date, and we went in between classes. It was really fun, and the scone we split was just amazing.

However, Friday evening was very awesome. Though Gooseberries was forgotten (boys are silly sometimes...), Zach took me to Roadhouse for a pizza and a pitcher of soda--so tasty! It was actually quite special and cute too, because we got there right as they had closed, but let us in, and made us the pizza anyway--so we got to dine there alone and it was really cute. Delicious pizza, too. Yum! Afterwards we went to Robyn's room and watched "Death to Smoochy," which is a funny movie. Patrick was there as well!

Saturday I didn't end up doing as much homework was I thought I was going to do...however, my room is SPOTLESS. I vacuumed, dusted, put things away...I feel way better having people over, haha. Which is why I had some girls over for tea and coffee, and then a double date with two freshmen, Emily and Bill. Emily is pledging, and is so sweet! I love her. And I was Bill's mentor in the FYS class, and I approve--he's a great guy. We ended up watching "Kung fu Hustle"--ridiculous movie, might I say. I laughed a lot though.

And Sunday I did homework, and Amanda finally came home! She went home (well, home-home) to Milwaukee and had a fun birthday weekend with her family, and has returned with Cheesecake and Strawberries. So tonight we're having a fun mini party!

Classes went alright today, one was canceled so that was exciting! Very exciting, actually...huzzah! Ah well. Normal schedule for the rest of the week...

Okay--I'm off!


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