Thursday, March 5, 2009

"tra-la-la-la-la, spring is in the air, and i am a flower"

Yay "A Bug's Life" !

Spring is sorta in the air...semi in the air?? Haha. Sorta there...

I am about to enjoy a cup of "Constant Comment" tea, a wonderful black tea with citrus and spice notes. Wow I sound like a tea nerd....Anyoo! I love this tea. I swiped a few bags from the Commons (shhhhh don't tell!). It reminds me distinctly of one of my trips to Alie's cabin. Alie, Erin, Emily, and I made a trip to her cabin a few summers ago...and it was wonderful. Very fun, and I think that it was on that trip that I got introduced to this tea. And that's what it reminds me of!

It's funny what smells, songs, and feelings remind you of past events and stir nostalgia and cause you to reminisce. In St. Louis this summer, Zach, Robyn, and I were driving with the two boys Zach usually babysits for. The "Backstreet Boys" was on the radio and we didn't change it. The two boys, about 5 and 10 years old, perhaps?? scoffed and made faces. Then we explained "nostalgia" and "reminiscing" to them. The elder of the two got quiet and thought about it for a few minutes, and then said "...So I won't reminisce for another five years probably." I thought that this was pretty cute and funny.

I hardcore need food. I only had time for a yoghurt this morning with my tea at work...I'm going to be oh so hungry for lunch!! Ah well. Another hour til then.

So tonight I'll be headed to see the play--I'm so excited!! I'll be able to see Leslie, which will be awesome! Plus, it is Moliere, and I love him. His plays are just hilarious. It will be a good medicinal dose of laughter for me.

Cool! I just got an email from Yogi Tea (since I got a free sample from them at, I get emails from them...) with a little Yoga exercise:
"Sit cross-legged or in a chair with feet flat. Clasp your hands together and lock your thumbs. Hold hands in front of your heart center. Inhale three short breaths through mouth and then exhale one long breath through nose. Tighten and relax the grip of your hands to the rhythm of your breath. Continue for 1 to 3 minutes and feel the energy circulate!"
I'll I have to try that next time I'm way tired. Maybe tonight after the play before homework?? Hmmm...

Yes, my day is going to be a busy one. I'm going to duck out of work quick to grab a lunch, but then return to work until 2 (or 1.30, I'll get all my hours in, I may just work whilst I dine!). Afterwards it is to the library to get research materials for my paper for Modern Art, then to run, then to shower, have some dinner...Then to the play!! And afterwards loooooads of h.w. Boo.

Well, I should head out and grab some food. I'll write tomorrow--TOMORROW'S FRIDAY!!


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