Monday, March 2, 2009


I cannot believe that it is March already. ALREADY! It's incredible how fast things are going!!

Life has been going fairly well. It is gloriously sunny out, but viciously cold. Thanks, Mother Nature, thanks. I am SO looking forward to spring break, however. I get to see my family for a few days, but then I head to St. Louis!! Where it will be warm. Well, warm by my standards for right now--50s and 60s. Woot woot! So excited.

I have found myself wanting to go to St. Louis. Which is odd, I feel. Odd in that I've never just wanted to go--I usually just want to go because Zach will be there. But for the first time I want to go to St. Louis for the city and the nostalgia of last year, and to have that early taste of spring. I'm going to have flashbacks like crazy when I go, I just know it. It will be fun though. Hopefully he has something fun planned for us...

Over break I have a lot to do, however, in the days that we're in Tosa...I need to find lots of job apps!! I have a huge list of places we're going to go, and I guess if I have my dentist appointment that morning I'll have minty fresh teeth to talk to potential future employers! Good plan, I feel.

I had a good talk with Patrick this afternoon; we hung out briefly after Astronomy. He went to the Starbucks with me and we chatted for a wee bit, which was wonderful, really. He can really ground me sometimes, and bring another opinion I never really consider sometimes. His no-nonsense, let's-not-beat-around-the-bushes style smacks reality into my conscious every now and again. Refreshing! Very unlike the coffee, and sorry Starbucks to knock on you again....but...

In the ranking order of the worst experiences with coffee one will have, it is this, 1 being the worst:
3. Starbucks coffee.
2. Weak-brewed coffee.
1. Weak-brewed, Starbucks coffee.

Yup, while the conversation with Patty-cakes was a nice pick-me-up, the old fashioned cup of joe was not :-( . Sad day. I'll have to remedy that in my room tonight with my faithful coffee press...

I have little 90-calorie rice pudding snacks in my room right now, and they're rather good. I just wish now that I had picked up raisins or fresh fruit in my last grocery pick-up...all in all, a fun treat.

Checking out again...some more fun freebies....hmmm...



Emily Rose said...

What you guys need in Ripon is a Dunkin Donuts. Now THAT'S good coffee. Or an Alterra ... like the one that I have five blocks from my apartment ...



Jules said...

Well, we have Gooseberries and Vox, which as much better coffee. But we dont have too much time during the day to grab coffee there...only on a lazy afternoon or weekend :(

Emily Rose said...

I can kind of feel your pain. Around campus, there's only The Grind, which is UWM's (crap) answer to actual coffeehouses. However, there is this place called Roast that's about 2 blocks south of campus and damn but they don't make a good cup of coffee. I will take you there next time you come home. K?