Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hey all!

Spring break....was okay. Zach got crazy sick and we ended up not really doing a whole lot of fun stuff in St. Louis...bah. However we had a lovely few sick-free days, such as when he took me out to eat for our year-and-a-half! The restaurant was amazing, food was great, and afterwards we went and saw "Watchmen" at a local theatre in Wauwatosa. He's feeling much better now, which is good!

Now that I'm back...I'm scared!! School is going to come to an end so quickly, and then I am halfway done with my

:-( I don't want to be that far along in college--Egad!

I think I may be re-thinking my major...or keeping it and adding another one. Unfortunately the English department is offering slim pickings for anyone interested in taking an English course next year...9 of the 18 courses offered are for first years. HALF. So I'm picking up two potentially, and whilst I plotted my next semester, I figured out that if I look at my previous and current credits in the Art History track...I have 18 of the 36 credits needed for an Art History major!! I feel as though a double major might be possible! It's still up in the air--who knows what the future holds.


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