Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More Snow!!!!

Oh mensch. What....a life I have right about now. I HAVE WAY TOO MUCH TO DO!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH HELP HELP HELP MEEEE!!

Sorry I wrote that first few sentences quite awhile ago. We're (Amanda and Sarah and me) are watching the TV show "House" whilst we do our various work. It's quite a great show. Love it so far. But anyway. SO MUCH TO DO!!!!! I have so much cleaning to do and so much homework to do and so much sorority stuff to do and SO MUCH EVERYTHING TO DO!!!!!!!!!!

Must breathe. Rawr.

I just saw a commercial with Sushi in it...I want Sushi now. Real bad.

So my sister, Liz, who goes to Marquette, just informed me that her roomate is leaving her! She's moving on to a different floor apparently...I know they never had fights or anything...but weird!! I'm so lucky that my roomate situation has worked out so well both years :) (Yay shout-outs to Robyn and Amanda!!)

Oh dear!! It's so late!! I keep leaving and coming back!! GOODNITE!!

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