Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oh what a night...

I'm glad to be back in Ripon! Although going home for Thanksgiving is such a tease--it just waves home and friends and family and comfort and relaxation in your face for three days and then it is abruptly taken away from you when you have to go back to college for a few weeks.


Although my beginning of this week was a bit un-ordinary...We didn't get back to Ripon until 11 a.m. on Monday! The snow was a bit scary to drive in, so we stayed over the night at my house. It was still a bit hectic in the morning though; we saw about 5 to 6 cars that had spun out that morning!! However, thanks to Zach's very excellent driving skills we made it safely. Hurrah!

So here I sit in my dorm room, very cozied up. It's kind of cold in here, I'm not sure if our heater is working properly, but actually--I'm okay with that!! I'd much rather be a little chilly in here than be like my room last year. My room last year was AWFULLY hot, just gross. I'd have to transition from my wonderful cozy winter clothes to P.J. shorts and a t-shirt just be comfortable. So I can sit in my slippers, sweatpants, and fleece and not be over-heated. Bueno!

Plus coffee--yum! It's Caribou Coffee, quite delish. OH my, though--it's really strong! Ah well, need a little caffeine boost.

Well, Thanksgiving! It was really, really fun. I love seeing my family and sitting around at dinner and talking and such. I made a delicious and gorgeous apple pie again, and I of course ate a ton more than usual the entire break. I thought that I would stop after Thanksgiving and recover the rest of the weekend...but no! I had parties with friends and family and continued the carb overload, haha. Ah well. I'm running tonight!

Like last week, I am going down to Bovay with Amanda and Sarah to run. Just half an hour because we have a meeting tonight, but a good hard half an hour!! Pretty excited. Amanda and I have pretty bad colds (poor Amanda is way worse off than I am though!!) but we are still gonna work out.

OH MY GOD So much to do. I'm going to become very stressed very soon in the upcoming few days...OHHHH DEEEEEEEEEEARS.

Well, I must get over to the Admissions Office to send off some letters and such! I'll write tomorrow! Ciao for now,


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