Monday, April 6, 2009

And then some...

Alright!! Good afternoon, all. Almost evening, really. Soon it will be time for dinner! Can't wait for that--I'm starving! I had a very small breakfast and lunch, so I'm just sooo starved right now.

Anyhoo, the weekend was fun! Formal was a great time, and seeing my parents at Adviser Appreciation Brunc, though only for a brief period of time, was great! They brought me the greatest Easter basket I've ever received. Cadbury eggs--mini ones! Oh my favorite!

Classes went by okay today. Slower, it feels like. However, if my last few weeks as a sophomore could slow down I'd have no objection. I cannot BELIEVE how quick the last half of the semester creeps up on you. It's so surprising and scary that I only have a few more weeks...oh goodness I'm going to freak myself out. I'M NOT THINKING ABOUT IT ANYMORE!!! >_<

I think I want to open up a high-end cupcake shop with Amanda and Zach. It would be delicious. We'd have a catalogue of cupcakes people could just look through and order for parties and such. Our employees would have the benefit of testing each new creation, as well as friends and relatives.

Or what about a health restaurant called "Sprout"? Wouldn't that be cute....

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