Thursday, April 16, 2009

OOps--meant for Wednesday!!

It is Thursday, but I will write as if from yesterday to make up...

SO. The leap from Monday to yesterday was HUGE, it felt like. Monday feels forever ago, really, and it's quite weird. I guess Tuesday was just a really, really, long day. It was fun--we had our "Blind Bash" event, but perhaps all in all it was just a long day, as was Wednesday.

In my contemporary Literature class me, Amanda, and my sisters Kate' and Sarah have a really cool project coming up for Monday--it will be sweet! We are doing a presentation on such things as Found, Post Secret, and other contemporary literatures that we are arguing should be considered literature. I think it's going to be very interesting and fun to present, and should be a good thing to write a paper on!!

IT IS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL OUTSIDE!!! I know I have this fixation with the weather, but I just neeeeed nice weather! It improves the mood immensely! All that cold weather just puts you in a rut...

If one thing could be improved it would be to not have the construction team right outside my window...what on earth are they doing.....they are scraping up the lawn of the

Well--it is lovely out and I'm going to enjoy the sun, get an Italian Soda from the starbucks, and just be happy!!


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