Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oh What a Night

Here is the sophomore class, all of us but two!! We're such a big class!!!


I had oh so much fun. Twas a blast. I love dancing! Also, Zach and I got the "cutest couple" award at formal! I was pleased as pink...and in pink, come to think of it!

Here is a "family photo" with our dates. Missy is my big sister, wearing the one shouldered black dress with her boyfriend Ken, I'm in the middle with Zach, and my little, Emily, is to the right of us with her boyfriend Bill. So cute!
Oh yes.
So this weekend is Zach's formal, which will be fantastic! Two fun weekends in a row!! And then more to follow! I'm so excited. Also nervous--how am I going to do my hair???!! I will have to figure that one out Friday evening...
So this week has been going fairly decently. This afternoon was really, really fun though. In contemporary lit again we had an author visit, so the 2 hours flew by! Her name is Susan Power and she is a Native American author, but really spent her life growing up in Chicago. She was SO FUN. I want to be her best friend. She is my favorite visitor, I think! Tonight her reading will be held down in Rodman, so that'll be a fun hike this evening...::grumble::. Ah well. It will be an adventure.
I'm off! My non-stop Wednesday is soooo far from ending!!

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