Friday, April 10, 2009

The end of the week!!!

Ahhhhh it is so gorgeous outside! The sun is shining and I'm comfortable in jeans, a sweatshirt, and flip flops!! Hooray!

This weekend shall be lovely. We are unfortunately not going home at all to see my Aunt and Uncle and Grandma, but perhaps next weekend we'll head into Milwaukee! I guess this way I'll have more down time and I can sleep a little bit more (yaaay catch up!!). Tonight Zach and I have a pizza/movie date, which should be fun. I'm not sure which film yet, but hopefully it is a comedy! I need a good laugh, even if my throat does hurt.

Tomorrow Zach and I will spend doing homework in the library, and hopefully we'll run in the afternoon. There's a lacrosse game tomorrow around 11 or noon, so we may go to that as well--it could be really fun! I'm not sure yet, I think it depends on how much homework we have!

And then Sunday is Easter! I know the commons is doing a nice Easter brunch. I hope the deviled eggs are going to be tasty--I LOVE deviled eggs. Oh so good.

::sneezes::. Oh gosh. I hate this. I'm doing everything right! Taking vitamins, sleeping, eating oranges like crazy...bahhhhh.

Initiation went well--Congrats to our newest member Sarah Wimmer! Woot woot! It did go pretty late there goes my sleep theory...

WELL. I'm off to my room. Time to clean it! Clothing just accumulates over time....


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