Monday, April 20, 2009

The weekend...

Oh my goodness I am tired!!

I was up ueber late doing project work for my contemporary literature class....but it paid off! The presentation went very well!! I'm so glad. Plus the topic is so cool, and I'm really excited to write my paper for it. My roomie and I got into a really philosophical discussion regarding it last night and I have so many ideas for the paper! MY BRAIN IS A-BUZZ!

It is AWFUL on campus today. It was last night too. The kind of weather that you don't want to leave your room for anything weather.

This week will be fun--tomorrow is Relay for Life!! I'm pretty darn excited. Pizza and movie and philanthropy....

So Zach and I did end up going home Saturday, and though it was a short visit, it was fun. I was able to drop off one application, and though the others couldn't be filled because I was short a reference, I was contacted by the people I used to babysit for last night and she gave me the go-ahead!! I called them while they were on a cruise!! Lucky ducks...Anyway, it was lovely seeing my parents and getting a delicious meal in, and seeing my brother. Ethan has "viral pinkeye" and it is NASTY. He has cold-like symptoms and instead of his eyes being guey and crusted they are just blood-shot. Kinda creepy, really. But yes. We watched the movie "Rainman," which was wonderful, and then Sunday morning my mom made me and Zach an awesome breakfast. Loved it!!

I ran yesterday, to my delight. I got three miles in and I currently feel great. I did finally, FINALLY cave today and got myself a Mocha though. However, I looked up the calories on the Starbucks website and learned it wasn't as bad as I thought, just not great. Oh well!! I have to splurge every now and again, and for not having a Mocha for 2+ years, I think I'm doing okay.

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